MLWFs in magnetic systems without SOC

In this case one set of MLWFs is constructed for spin-up (seedname WF1) and a second one for spin-down (seedname WF2). The number of bands used for generating the MLWFs may be different between spin-up and spin-down. Using

        <bandSelection minSpinUp="9" maxSpinUp="44"/>

means that for WF1 the spin-up bands from 9 through 44 are used and for WF2 the spin-down bands from 9 through 44 are used. However, if for example

        <bandSelection minSpinUp="83" maxSpinUp="90" minSpinDown="70" maxSpinDown="82"/>

is used the set WF1 is generated from the spin-up bands from 83 through 90, while the set WF2 is generated from the spin-down bands from 70 through 82.