mmn0_to_spn, mmn0_to_spn_unf, mmn0_unf_to_spn, mmn0_unf_to_spn_unf
Generate the WF1.spn file in the format required by postw90.x from the files updown.mmn0, WF1.mmn0 and WF1.socmmn0.
mmn0_to_spn generates a formatted WF1.spn file from formatted files WF1.mmn0 and WF1.socmmn0.
mmn0_to_spn_unf generates an unformatted WF1.spn file from formatted files WF1.mmn0 and WF1.socmmn0.
mmn0_unf_to_spn generates a formatted WF1.spn file from unformatted files WF1.mmn0_unf and WF1.socmmn0_unf.
mmn0_unf_to_spn_unf generates an unformatted WF1.spn file from unformatted files WF1.mmn0_unf and WF1.socmmn0_unf.