Picking Flowers - a Hands-on FLEUR Tutorial
--- This will be a pure online hands-on tutorial. ---
We are very happy to invite you to the 2022 incarnation of the FLEUR hands-on tutorial. This event targets at new as well as more experienced users of the FLEUR code who want to learn in an interactive manner the usage of the code.
Overview of the event:
- 20th of September and 29th of September. Three days a week: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
- We will offer a session with talks on FLEUR related topics each day.
- Two (identical) hands-on session each day to fit your time constraints.
- Q&A sessions to discuss with developers and presenters.
Please register until 12.09.22 here
Technical realization of the hands-on session
We will use the tutorial in a container-image. Thus we recommend you to have a computer with docker or podman available for the tutorial. Please check https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/ to see how to install docker on your machine. More detailed instructions on how to acces the tutorial will be posted later on here.
We acknowledge funding and support by